
学生旅行计划修改了申请截止日期,以使申请过程更加简化和方便.  新的提案截止日期是 30天 在旅行的第一天之前.


学生旅行计划是一项学生费用资助计划,为密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的学生提供旅行补助金. 这些补助金帮助支付运输费用, 注册和住宿为符合条件的个人或学生团体希望参加区域, 国家, or inter国家 professional development events/meetings. 个别学生, pairs or student groups may apply for funding once each fiscal year (July 1 – June 30).

Travel must be related to the participant’s area of study or leadership position on campus. The 学生旅行计划 does not support travel unrelated to a student’s area of study, 参加其他学校的课程, 或者一般研究费用. Study abroad and other forms of travel for credit are not permitted.

The following forms of professional development are eligible for program participation:

  • 研讨会
  • 会议和惯例
  • 研讨会
  • 比赛(非体育类,仅限课外活动)

带队学生必须填写《皇冠体育官网》(点击以下链接获取 学生旅游计划简介表)提交. 此表格是申请过程的一部分.  此表格提供了该计划的概述, 申请过程, and what to expect as you navigate the various steps of the program. 未能在提案截止日期之前完成此表格将导致从用于确定资金的评分标准中扣除10分. 请密切关注提案截止日期. Proposals submitted after the deadline will not be acceptedThe 学生旅行计划 proposal must be student-led.


学生 are able to receive funding once per fiscal year. The fiscal year begins in July and continues through the following June (e.g.,Fiscal year 2023-2024 runs from July 1, 2024– June 30, 2025).

The 学生旅行计划 will consider funding the following:

  • 往返会场的交通工具. Transportation may include airfare and/or ground transportation.
  • 事件注册
  • 住宿

The 学生旅行计划 does not provide funding for meals or other incidental expenses. 学生的国际旅行建议必须由副校长批准, 学生参与 & 健康.



每一个人, 通过学生旅行计划获得资助的双人或团体必须与学生旅行计划的项目经理会面,以确定旅行安排,并讨论他们作为旅行奖励的一部分的义务和责任. 在返回时, 学生和指导老师需要填写一份评估表(通过电子邮件发送,在旅行结束后两周内完成)。.

  • Individual Funding – One student attending a professional development event. 合资格申请最多 $650.
  • Pair Funding – Two students attending a professional development event. 合资格申请最多 $1,300.
  • Group Funding – Three or more students attending a professional development event.  合资格申请最多 $2,000.


为参加专业发展活动的学生担任顾问的机会是无价的. 学生们通常会从这些旅行经历中获得一种新的兴奋感,这在传统的课堂体验中是无法复制的. 正是这些旅行机会决定了学生的职业目标和抱负. 对于指导老师来说,在学生的发展中发挥作用对他/她在密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的成功至关重要.

所有学生(包括本科生和研究生)必须有一名旅行顾问(密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的教师或专业工作人员)同意陪同他们旅行. 学生将没有资格申请资助,除非他们有一个认可的旅游顾问. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the proposal and presentation. The travel advisor may only be listed on a maximum of 3 每个专业发展活动的提案. 一个指导老师不能陪同超过3个团体/对/个人参加一个专业发展活动. This rule applies to group, pair, and individual funding.

请注意提交提案的截止日期. There will not be any exceptions made to these deadlines. 旅行顾问必须遵守旅行指南中列出的所有皇冠体育官网旅行政策. If the mode of transportation decided upon is an automobile, the advisor must either travel in the same car or in a caravan situation, 和学生们一起.

此外,指导教师必须完成 学生旅游顾问的角色 & 责任形式.  This form must be submitted before the deadline for which the group is applying for. In addition to completing this form, the advisor must attend the student presentation.



  • 参加学生旅行计划可能取决于学生之前在大学的行为. Conduct history is checked through the Dean of 学生 Office for all participants. A student conduct file does not automatically prohibit participation in the program, but will be considered along with the application materials.
  • 所有学生(本科生和研究生)必须有一名旅行顾问(密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的教师或专业工作人员)同意陪同他们旅行. 学生旅游 does not provide funding for the travel advisor. 学生将没有资格申请资助,除非他们有一个认可的旅游顾问.
  • 获得学生旅行补助金的学生在下一个财政年度之前将没有资格再次申请资助. 学生旅游 recognizes July 1st – June 30th as the fiscal year for funding.
  • Employees of 密歇根州立大学丹佛 are not eligible even if they are a student. 员工可以通过所属部门和学校获得专业发展基金.

大学肄业生 & 研究生要求

学生必须在计划旅行的那个学期在密歇根州立大学丹佛校区注册至少1学分的课程. 扩展校园课程, 通信课程和其他免皇冠体育官网费的课程不计入1学分要求. No exceptions can be made for this enrollment requirement.



  1. 带队学生必须填写《皇冠体育官网》(点击以下链接获取 学生旅游计划简介表)提交. 此表格是申请过程的一部分.  此表格提供了该计划的概述, 申请过程, and what to expect as you navigate the various steps of the program. 未能在提案截止日期之前完成此表格将导致从用于确定资金的评分标准中扣除10分.
  2. 学生旅行建议表, 学生旅行豁免, 责任及操守表格, 以及旅行顾问角色和职责表必须在提案提交截止日期前提交. Each student in your group must complete the 学生旅行豁免, 责任与行为表.


The 学生旅游 committee consists of 密歇根州立大学丹佛 faculty, staff, and students. The 学生旅游 committee has four regular voting members.


  • 项目经理(无表决权成员,委员会主席)
  • Student Government: The 学生权益委员会 representative
  • 学生旅游助理(学生雇员)
  • 教师/员工代表
  • 学生一份

Funding allocations are based on the following criteria:

  • 完成 学生旅游计划简介表
  • 提案材料的完整性和质量,并完成所有申请要求
  • 活动的学术丰富(对参加者和密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的学生团体)
  • 个人目标
  • 在密歇根州立大学丹佛分校加强多元化思维
  • 技能发展
  • 你将如何分享学到的知识
  • How the travel proposal supports the educational mission of the University
  • Personal enrichment of the event to the individual(s) attending
  • Compliance with all 密歇根州立大学丹佛 and State of Colorado fiscal rules
  • 资金的可用性

The committee scores each proposal utilizing a scoring rubric. 在咨询期间,个人或领导学生将收到一份评分标准. 拨款决定可向委员会提出上诉 学生体验部副主任 & 专业发展 在特殊情况下复议.


  1. 迟交或不完整的建议书将不被接受.
  2. Last minute changes accruing a fee are the financial responsibility of the organization, 俱乐部或个人做出改变, 不是学生旅行计划的责任.
  3. 除了密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的学生之外,没有任何个人可以获得资金,因为这是一个学生费用资助的项目. 该项目无法为教职员工提供资金.
  4. A travel advisor is required to accompany students on trips. This helps to enhance the educational experience of the students, ensure positive institutional representation and participation, ensure proper conduct and handle any emergency that may arise while traveling.
  5. All students applying for 学生旅游 funding must read and electronically sign the 学生旅行豁免, 责任与行为表 当他们申请资助时.
  6. 每个学生旅行时都要遵守 行为准则 作为密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的代表旅行.
  7. 表格不完整或不符合本计划的任何条件可能导致拒绝为个人或组织提供下一学年的资金.
  8. If a student does not travel for any reason and registration, 住宿和/或交通已购买, that student is responsible for paying back all expenses to the program. 如果学生选择不还钱, that student may have to go through the conduct process.



  1. 所有提案必须完整, 并包括提案表格描述中所示的所有电子签名和附件. 不完整或迟交的建议书将不被接受.
  2. 至少要提交提案 30天 在旅行的第一天之前


The following forms must be completed by the lead student:

The following forms must be completed by each additional student traveling:



Does 学生旅行计划 funding cover meals, books, and supplies?

No, we only cover transportation, event registration, and lodging.


Can I apply for funding for study abroad 或者一般研究费用?



Can I stay at my family/relative’s house when I travel?

Yes, the funding is for all forms of transportation and lodging.


What if I want to change accommodation/flight after I submit my proposal?



Can I arrive earlier than the actual date of the event?

You can arrive one day before and depart one day after the event. 如果您计划在之前或之后停留一天以上,皇冠官网网站无法支付额外的费用.


How can I make sure that all the forms submit successfully?




You can not utilize the 学生旅行计划 for a virtual event. 但是,您可以引用另一个名为 当地的 & 网上专业发展.



Funds are typically reimbursed after travel upon submission of receipts.






旅游顾问可以联系到 FAS程序 旅游经费.



学生旅游 & 职业发展基金是一个学生费用资助的项目,在教室到职业中心

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